Sports Premium

At Bewcastle school, we are currently allocated about £11,000 per year to spend on sport and PE. This money is ring-fenced, which means it cannot be spent on anything else.

Over the past year, it has enabled us to provide high quality PE sessions and to give the children a 'taster' of sports and activities that they might otherwise not have access to. We have also used the money to promote our ethos of inclusion and have enjoyed lively sessions of wheelchair basketball, which has been delivered by Cumbria wheelchair sports club.

It is also important to emphasise that the sports premium enables staff to develop their skills and is an essential part of ongoing professional development for all staff.

Here are some of the ways in which we have spent our allocation over the past three years:

  • participation in a small schools 'Commonwealth games' at Carlisle Sheepmount, with a wide range of athletics events;
  • participation in local sports events, such as William Howard school primary athletics tournament;
  • multi sport after school run by professional coaches;
  • weekly lessons in basketball, athletics, gymnastics and multi-sports;
  • participation in Carlisle 'U-dance' festival;
  • daily swimming in our own school pool during the summer term, for all children;
  • participation in outdoor and adventure activities as part of our KS2 residential week;
  • enabling a smooth transition to Y7  by participating in a small schools team building day at WHS, organised by the LIGHTS group of very small schools;
  • investment in sports equipment
  • training for staff in lifeguarding and swimming teaching.

As a result of our sport and PE spending, we have ensured that:

  • our children experience a range of sports and activities in different venues;
  • our children are taught by a range of skilled teachers and leaders;
  • our staff receive high quality CPD and updated skills;
  • participation and achievement in sport is celebrated and encouraged;
  • all children are included in all activities and work with a range of role models;
  • all children are making good progress and developing higher levels of fitness and skill (see progress in athletic awards).